Memory is a fickel thing, and code is read more than it is written, so write about it, write well, and remember

14. May 2015

Make Windows Suck Less

You ever feel like there is a great divide among developers, like the parting of the ocean where on one side you have Windows developers and on the other – THE REST OF THE ENTIRE DEVELOPMENT WORLD! – I did.


18. December 2013

Future of PHP

PHP is in a metamorphosis.

A quickening.

This is not the result of one thing, but the sum of many smaller things coming together, seemingly, at the same time.

PHP Language Improvements (5.3/5.4)
PHP Framework Interop Group
Composer Dependency Management

This digest aims to identify key php trends, so that we can determine if we need to correct our course to stay competitive and relevant in our future coding efforts.


18. October 2012

Git Ready

What is Git? How does it help developers? Why is it killing every other source control management system out there? When can I use it?

Learn more with this Primer on Git source-control management
