Memory is a fickel thing, and code is read more than it is written, so write about it, write well, and remember

24. December 2017

Webpack Begone, ES6 is HERE!

I know. I know. Blasphame, but I really hate Webpack, not the idea of it but what it turned web development into - a bloated tangled mess of headaches you don’t need.

Lets take a jaded closer look…


12. August 2016

Pragmatic API Design

The API design should be organized around REST principles, however to maintain both user and developer sanity it should also be pragmatic, thus we call it RESTful design, as it may not conform to all the REST architecture design tenets.


10. August 2015

Introduction to CRUD

CRUD is an acronym for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. Each letter in the acronym translates to an operation performed on data. Understanding CRUD operations, both apparent and implied will help you better understand design needs, how to communicate those needs, and the scopee of work ahead
